Worship With Us!


9:00 am Sunday School
Classes for all ages!
10:30 am Worship Service
Nursery for infants and toddlers
Children's church for grades PreK-5
For any who wish to worship
remotely, please join us online

Living Hope Church desires to magnify Jesus Christ by embracing His vision of disciples making disciples. We have a commitment to worship Christ together, to witness to our faith in Christ, to pursue discipleship with others in small groups, and to serve in the church and in the community. Our prayer is that you will be blessed and strengthened by the power of Jesus, and that you will live a life of abundance in fellowship, joy and liberty. We study the Word, practice what we learn, and in the process grow together. We hope to see you soon!


Sundays at 10:30 am
405 W. State St.
North Aurora, IL 60542

  Sports/Crafts Camp 2024

June 24-28 (9:00am-12:00pm)
For Ages 4-12
Click here for more info.

  Contact Us

Email: office@livinghope.ch
Phone: (630) 897-0013


Click HERE to sign-up
for our weekly e-newsletter

  AWANA 2024-25

Kids Club, ages 3 yrs - 6th grade
Sunday nights, 4:30 - 5:45 pm
September 8 - April 27